This pandemic has been a double-edged sword when it comes to wargaming. On the one hand, I was unemployed between March and mid-August, so had loads of time for painting and new projects. On the other hand, we have been constrained at the club as to the location of games and the number of players we have been able to get round the table. Consequently, I have not put on a game since February, and my armies are languishing in their 'Really Useful Boxes'.
But at least we can enjoy what we already have. This post, the fourth in my series showcasing my wargames armies, focuses on my 6mm Heroics and Ros Napoleonic collection, which I have built up since the 1990s. I like the figures because they are realistic as opposed to 'men on labradors' (Baccus) or 'gnomes' (Adler). They are all based on 1.5cm x 3cm card bases, with 12 infantry, or 4 cavalry, or one gun and crew per base. The idea being to use a variable number of bases per unit in different games, depending on the size of game. (See my post on 6mm figures for painting and other tips.) About 30 (and ultimately 50 - when I get round to painting them) infantry battalions across my collection are in greatcoats, with furled flags, so are suitable for any army.
So, this 6mm Napoleonic collection consists of the following:
Infantry Battalions: 96 (each of two bases) - including 14 Guard battalions [192 bases in all] Guard Cavalry: 31 bases Heavy Cavalry: 30 bases Light Cavalry: 31 bases Artillery: 30 batteries (including 6 Guard) Commanders: 21 Total: 2,672 figures (excluding artillery and commanders)
Infantry Battalions: 70 (each of two bases) [140 bases in all] Heavy Cavalry: 12 bases Light Cavalry: 34 bases (12 of which can be used as 'heavy' dragoons) Artillery: 24 batteries Commanders: 23 Total: 1,864 figures (excluding artillery and commanders)
Infantry Battalions: 75 (each of two bases) [150 bases in all] Heavy Cavalry: 30 bases Light Cavalry: 47 bases Artillery: 35 batteries Commanders: 40 Total: 2,108 figures (excluding artillery and commanders)
Infantry Battalions: 50 (each of two bases) [100 bases in all] Heavy Cavalry: 14 bases Light Cavalry: 33 bases Artillery: 24 batteries Commanders: 17 Total: 1,388 figures (excluding artillery and commanders)
Infantry Battalions: 35 (each of two bases) [70 bases in all] Heavy Cavalry: 12 bases Light Cavalry: 25 bases Artillery: 12 batteries Commanders: 24 Total: 988 figures (excluding artillery and commanders)
MIX (includes Hanoverians, Brunswickers, Bavarians, Saxons, Wurttemberg, but mostly Poles)
Infantry Battalions: 17 (each of two bases) [34 bases in all] Light Cavalry: 13 bases Total: 460 figures (excluding artillery and commanders)
GRAND TOTAL: 9,480 figures (excluding artillery and commanders)
So I have enough figures for a substantial campaign, or a very large battle. Let's hope we can all get back to normal soon and have enough players able to bring it to realisation.
What follows is a photoshoot of my 6mm Napoleonic French army.